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Theme not found after restoring backup

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Yesterday I installed a new theme " ministore" on my website.
This morning I had to restore a ftp backup.
But now, when I try to access backoffice I've got an error: 
"Theme configuration file not found for theme `pf_ministore`".(screenshot)
I had thought that after restoring back up, website would be with the older theme (leo)
Does it mean that I have to add theme via fillezilla?
How does it works?
Please help me

Best regards


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So if I understand you right you have a new database with an older version of the files. There are basically two ways to go from there:

 - do as you said. install the new theme on a localhost shop and ftp it from there

 - go to the database table ps_shop and change the field there to "classic". Then the shop should work again and you can re-install your theme.


I don't have experience with this under 1.7 so I suggest just to try and keep a backup ready. And don't forget any more to backup your database;-)

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