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I haven't tested it but I think that something like the following should work:


In the add() function in Product.php near the end you have the following code:

foreach ($id_shop_list as $value)
	StockAvailable::setProductOutOfStock((int)$this->id, 2, $value);

That should become something like

foreach ($id_shop_list as $value) {
	StockAvailable::setProductOutOfStock((int)$this->id, 2, $value);
        StockAvailable::updateQuantity((int)$this->id, 0, $quantity, $value);

Note that the zero stands for id_product_attribute. If your products have attributes you will need to do something with that.

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Hello Musicmaster,
First of all thanks for the quick reply! :) 

I have added the mentioned code but sadly it still adds new product with a quantity of 0



public function add($autodate = true, $null_values = false)

if (!parent::add($autodate, $null_values)) {
return false;

$id_shop_list = Shop::getContextListShopID();
if ($this->getType() == Product::PTYPE_VIRTUAL) {
foreach ($id_shop_list as $value) {
StockAvailable::setProductOutOfStock((int)$this->id, 1, $value);

if ($this->active && !Configuration::get('PS_VIRTUAL_PROD_FEATURE_ACTIVE')) {
Configuration::updateGlobalValue('PS_VIRTUAL_PROD_FEATURE_ACTIVE', '1');
} else {
foreach ($id_shop_list as $value) {
StockAvailable::setProductOutOfStock((int)$this->id, 2, $value);
StockAvailable::updateQuantity((int)$this->id, 0, $quantity, $value);

Hook::exec('actionProductSave', array('id_product' => (int)$this->id, 'product' => $this));
return true;

Edited by Byte Webdesign (see edit history)
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I do have dev mode enabled indeed and didn't get an error message.

I tried to define $quantity and did get an error message then. 


But just changing $quantity with a number did the trick! Problem solved, thanks Musicmaster

I am glad you solved this. 


Note that a missing value is a warning, not an error. So it generates a message but then the rest of the page will be generated. At most you will see that the header of your webpage is a bit misformed. However, if you select to see the page source in your browser you will see the message (search for words like error and warning).

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