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BO saving issue blank page


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No matter what I'm modifying, whether it's a product or setting option, when I click "save" it goes to a blank screen and all I can do is hit the back button on my browser to get back to my BO.  Funny thing is, the data I changed, is saved and it always goes right back where I was, except when modifying products.  no matter which option of a product I'm currently modifying(shipping, prices, features, etc) when I hit the back button, it always takes me to the "information"tab.  And once again, my changes are saved.


I only want to fix it so that I don't spend so much time hitting the back button everytime.



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I've also turned on "error reporting" in my config/defines.inc.php file and nothing comes up.  the only time I've gotten an error so far is when I searched the BO for "error" and got this message:


Warning on line 1813 in file /home/user/public_html/classes/controller/AdminController.php
[2] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/user/public_html/modules/hioutofstocknotification/translations/en.php:2)

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