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Presta - v1.7.1.2 : Module, display() retrun nothing...

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I try to display with the call of the display() method in the getContent() method a .tpl file but the configuration page of the module remains white ...


The .tpl file is located in mymodcomments / views / templates / hook / getContent.tpl


Here is the code

class MyModComments extends Module
    public function __construct()
        $this->name = 'mymodcomments';
        $this->tab = 'front_office_features';
        $this->version = '0.1';
        $this->displayName = 'Module of product comments';
        $this->description = 'With this module, customers will be able to grade and comments products.';


        $this->bootstrap = true;

    public function processConfiguration()
        if (Tools::isSubmit('mymod_pc_form'))
            $enable_grades = Tools::getValue('enable_grades');
            $enable_comments = Tools::getValue('enable_comments');
            Configuration::updateValue('MYMOD_GRADES', $enable_grades);
            Configuration::updateValue('MYMOD_COMMENTS', $enable_comments);

    public function getContent()
        return $this->display(__FILE__, 'getContent.tpl');

Thanks for your help :)


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Welcome to the forum. That reminds me of code from Fabien Serny's book, but that is for 1.6 version. 

And 1.7 do bring some changes. Do check developer documentation 





But also for 1.7 do check PrestaShop native modules that starts with ps_


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