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Php.ini, Config, Index.

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Hello everyone,


I'm new user. I'm looking for someone to explain what should I do. I have a problem with installing Prestashop platform. I downloaded it, uploaded to public.html, made a new database. When i typed www.example.com/install it says that i need to upgrade my PHP to newer than 5.4. When i connect to phpMyAdmin it shows that the version of MySQL is 5.5.41, i wrote to support to provide me a php switcher (saw on youtube) also i found that people are making some changes in PHP.INI - the problem is i do not have that file. Also, can someone explain me please in which situation i should use Config, index, php.ini when i'm making any permission changes? I know that i'm new and green in such situations like these, but still trying to figure it out how and why. Also is there any people who could assist me on skype if there would be any misunderstanding? If yea, please add me on skype: Ign.as26 would be highly appreciated.

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