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[SOLVDED]error in email notification module?

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Are you receiving emails from the contact form? If not, go to Preferences > Email and make sure that your email settings are correct. If you are, check to make sure that modules/mailalerts/mails/lang_iso/new_order.html and new_order.txt exist for every installed language.

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Hi Rocky,

the folder /modules/mailalerts/mails/nl was not there, only en, es, fr,
so i made a nl one.
but what is very strange, in the backoffice I now set my smtp server and at the end of the page I used the test button.
the email was send (green message) but the mail never arrives...and the emailaddress is correct.
Also mailing from the front office in the contactform gives me nothing..error on that one.

what coud be wrong?
the standard php mail function does not work and the use smtp (that is filled in correctly ) is not working also.

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pst Rocky

in my backoffice I see the dropdown box as : customer service and webmaster.
These two choises, is that something that is configurated in the backoffice?

I think I must look at that also, but can not find it where to set this...any idea?

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they were ok, must look for the advance settings you gave, me,
I come back on that.

what I do find very strange is the fact that customers getting emails from their order etc.....
that's something I can not get.
is the way of sending emails after ordering different then the contactform or emailalerts?

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Solved Rocky

I did had to change my email back to phpmail()
and I did only two changes in the code :



   $this->setFrom("[email protected]");



line 371, add

   if (! $has_reply_to[0] ) $message -> setReplyTo ( $from -> getAddress ());     

that was enough to make it work.

thx for you help.

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