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Prestashop + very slow google smtp mails = slow order confirmation

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Hi guys. Im using prestashop with VPS and we are using gmail for our mail (with our domain). Problem is that when I have configured smtp for gmail and client makes an order displaying confirmation page is very very slow. It takes from 5 to 20s to display confirmation page. Sometimes client clicks 2 times which doubles his order.


My question is - is there a way co configure mail server on my vps and still be able to use gmail?


Thanks for help.


Edited by Diwad (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

Using SMTP as mail setting I the most common problem with such delays. Your remote SMTP server might respondes slowly or there are DNS resolution issues. That said, we never use SMTP to a remote machine but instead the mail function from PHP. The simple advantage is: no cross server communication.

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while i agree that using php mail is the most desirable way, it is not always an option depending on your hosting provider.  and unfortunately the swiftmailer library used by Prestashop is slow when using gmail or office365 SMTP (which both require SSL or STARTTLS encryption). 

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hello guys thank you for your attention and time.


my problem was mysql performance if someone will have this kind of problem use this 



mysqld_safe --key_buffer_size=384M --table_open_cache=4000 \
           --sort_buffer_size=4M --read_buffer_size=1M &

this command helped me.



Edited by gkhorkheli (see edit history)
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MySQL Settings might help in general for tuning the database. But this kind of settings do not change the big pictures in the way from 20 seconds to 2 or 3 seconds. In my personal opinion the MySQL settings also cannot resolve a problem with SMTP connections.

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So you are not facing any delays in orsstasjop order confirmation? How much does it take to display confirmation page for you?


now it takes maximum 10 seconds.



MySQL Settings might help in general for tuning the database. But this kind of settings do not change the big pictures in the way from 20 seconds to 2 or 3 seconds. In my personal opinion the MySQL settings also cannot resolve a problem with SMTP connections.


may be i don't know but my problem was not SMTP connection delay because i disabled order_conf sending also commented PaymetModule Classe's Mail::send section .etc. from Backoffice configuration disabled mail sending but order confirmation still was remaining exactly same .


So this was mysql issue  

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  • 7 months later...

I will dig up this thread..


We still have some delays in confirmation (it takes about 10s to show the confirmation screen). We can disable email notifications, but it is not an option for us. Client needs to have it on his email.


Does google smatp has some alternative severs?

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  • 3 months later...

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