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[Solved] - Save special characteres in UTF-8 problem, override function productImport


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Hello, Im doing a modification for the function productImport from the class AdminImportController, and my problem its that made a function that auto fills some fields of the product but in certain cases the data has strange characteres and its not allowed to save it with the good encode.

This string is saved in the database ø instead of ø


My database is UTF-8 and also if I insert manually that kind of characters it works.


So  afters the link arrayWalk i put my custom code.

AdminImportController::arrayWalk($info, array('AdminImportController', 'fillInfo'), $product);

if (isset($product->imdb_link)) {
    $product = $this->getMovieInformation($product);

The problem is if I do a die(var_dump($product));

it seems every single properties of the object correctly, but I dont know exactly where in the code do the connection to the database for save this item.

Here is how I fill the data with my function

    private function getMovieInformation($product) {
        if (isset($product->imdb_link)){
            $imdb = new Imdb();
            $idMovie = $this->getIdMovieFromString($product->imdb_link);
            $info = $imdb->getMovieInfo($idMovie);

            if (!($info['error'])){
                $product->actors = '';
                $product->director = '';
                $product->country = '';
                $product->original_name = '';
                $product->description = '';
                $product->year = '';
                $product->duration = '';
                $product->imdb_link = '';

                $product->original_name = utf8_encode($info['title']);
                $product->description = utf8_encode($info['storyline']);
                $product->year = utf8_encode($info['year']);
                $product->duration = utf8_encode($info['runtime']) .' min';
                $product->imdb_link = utf8_encode($info['imdb_url']);

                foreach ($info['cast'] as $actor){
                    $product->actors .= ', '.utf8_encode($actor);
                $product->actors = substr($product->actors, 2);

                foreach ($info['directors'] as $director){
                    $product->director .= ', '.utf8_encode($director);
                $product->director = substr($product->director, 2);

                foreach ($info['country'] as $country){
                    $product->country .= ', '.utf8_encode($country);
                $product->country = substr($product->country, 2);
        return $product;

private function getIdMovieFromString($string) {
     $string = strstr($string,'title/');
     return substr($string, 6,9);

Thanks for the help.

Edited by Reco-X (see edit history)
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Also I tried to put the function

$product->country = $this->utf8EncodeArray($product->country);

But the thing I dont get is why when the characters come from the csv file it works, but when I put it from the scrapper no.

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