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How can i put html code in the product desciption version 1.7

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I want to put html-code in the product description like this:


<div id="mts-e429c3a1-0bf2-450c-8397-4804cbc4438f"></div>
(function() {
var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = '//www.mytemplatestorage.com/wp-content/themes/mts3/js/widget-generator/dist/widget/widget.min.js';
s.onload = function () {
var w = new MTSWidget.widget('//www.mytemplatestorage.com',{
uid: 'mts-e429c3a1-0bf2-450c-8397-4804cbc4438f',
affid: 'xxxxxx',
"language": 'en',
"title": 'Woocommerce templates juwelier',
"type": ["61529"],
"category": ["50351"],
"popularity": '120823',
"cols": '2',
"rows": '2',
"showPrice": '0',
"rangeOf": '50',
"size": 'medium-size',
"paddings": '5',
"margins": '5',
"showTmLogo": '1',
"showTemplateTitle": '1',
"showTemplateTypeLogo": '1'
w.create ();
var h = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; h.parentNode.insertBefore(s, h);
What must i do to get this working??
Winkelinstellingen => Algemeen
Iframes toestaan = Ja
Gebruik htmlpurifier bibl = nee
Edited by pevank (see edit history)
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