En 22/6/2017 a las 11:21 AM, VTAdrien dijo:Hello,
I'm new Prestashop Customer and I have question about Override Controller.
I have this addons: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/private-sales-flash-sales/16634-advanced-private-sales-16-15.html
I need to add JS file on this addons, so I think I need to Override the Front Controller to make:
$this->addJS(...)The default file path is:
root/modules/privatesales/controllers/front/home.php "class PrivatesaleshomeModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController"So, I did this:
root/override/modules/privatesales/controllers/front/home.php "class PrivatesaleshomeModuleFrontControllerOverride extends PrivatesaleshomeModuleFrontController"I deleted the file "class_index.php" but It doesn't work..:/
I don't know if I forgot something.
I have followed this documentation: http://build.prestashop.com/howtos/module/how-to-override-modules/
Can someone help me ?
Thank you.
Have a good day.
You can't override a module controller.
EDIT: In PS 1.7 it's possible to override module controllers