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2-levels horizontal dropdown menu


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I am trying to implement a 2-levels horizontal dropdown menu on my website, but I just can't find a module which could do that.

What I exactly want is at starting something like that :

Menu A           Menu B            Menu C                     LOGO                                                                    Menu D


When your mouse goes for example on the Menu B, a new menu is displayed below the current menu like that :

                                          SubMenu A                 SubMenu B                    SubMenu C


This is doable with any module, but the thing is that I'd like another level of submenus. For example, if your mouse now goes on SubMenu B you have 

                                                  SubSubMenu A           SubSubMenu B

                                                  SubSubMenu C           SubSubMenu D

                                                  SubSubMenu E           SubSubMenu F


I'd like to have the last subsub menu to be very personalizable.


For the moment I am using the "Responsive mega menu pro" module but it seems impossible to do what I want with this module.

If you have any ideas I take it. 

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You can achive it with the maga menu or any or the default menu but you will need some customizations. 

In the way that the only blocks you can create in mega menu are :

- System link (no sub level possible)

- Custom html (no sub level possible)

- Php code (maybe sub level possible but php code adds a lot of bugs)

- Product (no sub level possible)

- Product list (Sub level possible but not personnalizable)

- Hook


The only block that can actually do something is the "hook" block. I already tried to duplicate the megamenu module and add a megamenu to another via hooks, but the result is full of bugs and ugly.


What is the best way ?

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Because they write all the menu first items  logic inside the php wich is wrong they have to send it to the template and let people decide.

I think they had a hard time getting subcategories from of the current item inside a smarty template so they do it in the php.

Even the PrestaShop default top menu works the same way. 


So what's the solution ?

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No, I don't know but I can build a new one.

And I think the Mega Menu and the PrestaShop default menu can implement 2-levels menu, but as I said it requires customization.

Customization is not a problem I can do it. The problem is that I just don't know how to start.

Imagine everything is ok for the customization. What should I do then, in the back office, to create this 2-level menu ?

Because as I said

"- System link (no sub level possible)

- Custom html (no sub level possible)

- Php code (maybe sub level possible but php code adds a lot of bugs)

- Product (no sub level possible)

- Product list (Sub level possible but not personnalizable)

- Hook"


It seems difficult.

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