Jump to content Image Slider width: 100%; causing issues

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My images for the slider in the default template are 185 x 350 pixels.   The width: 100%; statement in theme.css:6 is causing the bottom of my images to be cut off.   In chrome, when I uncheck width: 100%;, the site works perfectly.


I went to http://*********.com/themes/classic/assets/css/theme.css but the CSS code wasn't located there. 


.carousel .carousel-item img {
    width: 100%;
    margin-left: 0;
What's the best way to get rid of that width: 100%; ?  
I read in one place that it was in /var/www/*******.com/themes/classic/_dev/css/components/imageslider.scss, and you had to recompile the template, but I haven't figured out how to do that. 




Edited by LLamabob (see edit history)
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I am not sure why would you have full slider and then  use those small images but your choice :)


And if you searched in compressed code you would find it there. Not readable way, but it is there search ".carousel .carousel-item img".


Other solution is valid also but you will need bit more things to set up



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