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Blockcart 1.6.1 quantity issue; It shows different in index


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I am testing about a issue in blockcart.tpl 1.6.1 (ajax_cart_quantity) because when I add a product and I return to index page, If I load index page from other browser then it show the shopping cart showing last products added of another browser/user cookies.


This error only is in index because in categories or product page it shows right. When I leave the browser and go again to browser then the error is that shopping cart dont display "0" quantities because it add a "style=display:none" when this style was removed for me.


I tried disabling express cache module, memcached module, disabling in server all nginx gzip caches and it continue with error only in index. I resume my code:

<b>{l s='Panier' mod='blockcart'}</b>
			<span class="ajax_cart_quantity">{$cart_qties}</span>
			<span class="ajax_cart_product_txt{if $cart_qties != 1} unvisible{/if}">{l s='Produit' mod='blockcart'}</span>
			<span class="ajax_cart_product_txt_s{if $cart_qties < 2} unvisible{/if}">{l s='Produits' mod='blockcart'}</span>
			<span class="ajax_cart_total{if $cart_qties == 0} unvisible{/if}">
			<span class="ajax_cart_no_product" {if $cart_qties != 0}style="display:none"{/if}>{l s='Produit(s)' mod='blockcart'}</span>

This error add the class "style=display:none" when I removed in <span class="ajax_cart_quantity">{$cart_qties}</span>


I also tried add in <span class="ajax_cart_no_product" {if $cart_qties != 0}style="display:none"{/if}>{l s='0 Produit(s)' mod='blockcart'}</span> but it hide the "0" always when index was cached with 1 or more products added for other users.


I want show when there are no products in cart "0 Produit(s)" instead of "(empty)" and it only works on the whole web less in index (when index was cached)


NOTE: I have hooked blockcart in "DisplayNav" in first position and "blockuserinfo uninstalled"


Blockart need to have installed blockuserinfo for fix this index error?

Ajax-cart.js or blockart-json.tpl need changes?

Htaccess default cache time expired rules issue? 

It is Blockcart 1.6.1 module issue? 


best regards


Edited by seog (see edit history)
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