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Override FrontController.php

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Hi everybody!


I have a simple question: I need to create a PHP variable and add it on the template (for example: a class on the body in header.tpl).


I have found this article, and I have followed:



I'm newbie in prestashop, so I am not sure if that is the rigth way; but anyway it doesn't work for me.

I have read also: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Overriding+default+behaviors


If I write my variable in classes/controller/FrontController.php (a simple: $this->context->smarty->assign('myvar', 'something'); ) it works, but if I write the same in override/classes/controller/FrontController.php , it doesn't work, so prestashop doesn't read my override.


I have tried inside of "public function init()" and also in "public function initHeader()", but not way.

If you have any idea I will appreciate your comments.

Thanks a lots!

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Best way is override Like as above "override/classes/controller/FrontController.php"

class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore {
public function initHeader(){
//create your variable
self::$smarty->assign('yourVariable', 'valueOfYourVariable');

//call original method, to maintain default behaviour:
return parent::initHeader();

Then after

go to cache directory (from shop root) and delete file called "class_index.php" no worries its auto generate
clear the "cache" in your prestashop back office->Advanced Parameters > Performance.

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Thanks Nishth for your reply.

Yes, that is exact what I did it, but it doesn't work.

I don't know why :(


I wanted to give to you the link to the page, but now is in maintenance mode.

I know, in the normal process it has to work properly; so is difficult to find the problem.

I dont' know what more try.

Anyway, thanks!

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