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URGENT - force a category to be default whenever possible


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It's really important to me to handle it as soon as possible.

I am using a software which helps me with handling price drops.


The price drops are implemented by adding specific categories discounts for specific customers groups (Customers>Groups etc.)


The thing is that those price drop only take effect when such a category is set as default for a product.

I can't change default categories for each product manuall because there are too many of them, so..


I NEED to find a way do set a default category automatically whenever it's possible. You know- product X is simultaneously in categories A,B and C. Another product Y is simultaneously in categories B,C,D and E.

I need to force e.g. the category B to be always the default one.


I was thinking about some custom query, but I tried to edit 'id_category_default' in ps_products for the category I wanted and it didn't worked. In the back and front office the default category hasn't change so I guess there must be something else to do.


Please, help me, it's really urgent


Thanks for help!

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