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Stranger things

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Today something really weird happend to me related with my prestashop website.


The last three or four weeks, when I opened my website's url in my browser (firefox) I was logged as a customer X. I've helped customers to create an account in the past, so I just tought it was that the cookies still had the data of the last customer I helped and so I didn't took too much care about it.


In this four weeks I've been receiving orders properly...


But today, one customer called me saying that he was also logged as user X (the same user that I) and he could see all the data of the user, and furthermore, he could'nt log out.


So I tried to log out and so I couldn't.


I deleted the cookies and then I could log in as my test user, but again I couldn't log out!


I must say everything was working fine till now. I've also tried removing a module I recently installed and nothing (zoopim chat free).


Now I should tell you some data... my website is a Prestashop version, and my website is https://www.ibizasound.es


I've tried to delete cache and nothing.

I've tried to turn cache off and nothing.


I've tried turning friendly urls.... and it worked¿?¿?¿







And that link worked. It worked even if I turned the friendly urls on again, tought the not working link is still being displayed. 


But this has never been a problem before so I wonder how to solve it.


And this doesn't explain the issue of other customers seeing the X customer's account details!!


I still have the problem with the log out link and I have no idea how to test the issue with the X customer to check what happens.


Any help would be VERY, VERY appreciated.


Thanks in advance.




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Hi. Investigating a little bit more now I know that the links at the top right are displayed by the module "blockuserinfo".


I've updated that module and everythings goes on the same way.


I've opened blockuserinfo.tpl and I've found the code that displays the logout link:

			<a href="{$link->getPageLink('index', true, NULL, "mylogout")|escape:'html'}" title="{l s='Log me out' mod='blockuserinfo'}" class="logout" rel="nofollow">{l s='Sign out' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a>

How can I modify to always show the link: www.ibizasound.es/index.php?mylogout= 


Instead of www.ibizasound.es/?mylogout=



Thanks in advance.

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