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[SOLVED] help with graphic not showing please

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On this site http://www.washparts.com/ I have additional graphics in the right column and a comodo ssl grahic in the left column.

The left comodo ssl graphic stopped working when we moved the store to the root directory and it still shows the old path.

I have removed the blockpaymentlogo.tpl file and replaced it and still the graphic does not show and shows the old path.

I just found out that if I totally remove the code from the right or left columns the graphics on the right still show up and the left doesn't. I've never seen a graphic still show up after you have removed the code for it.

How is this possible? I really need to get this comodo live graphic in the left menu to show up. If you put your cursor over the left dead graphic the live comodo information comes up so I'm lost on this one.

Using php 5.3.2 and mysql 5.


Another site I changed the path of the header graphic and it doesn't show up either.
header.tpl file


The image is definitely in there but the site shows a different path.

I put a ssl logo on the blockpaymentlogo.tpl file:

and it doesn't show up either.

I also tried typing in the url of the path and get same thing.


I have just uploaded a fresh tools folder, deleting the original one on the site first and now the images are showing up.

I don't know how Smarty works but it must be something with this.
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