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Admin URLs problem


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Most of my admin area is working fine. However on some of the links, it attempts to go to a subdirectory instead and gives me a 404 error. If I remove the subdirectory the admin page works fine.




and if I remove the subdirectoy


it works fine.


I am unsure where this setting is coming from but obviously it's some sort of configuration setting as the subdirectory resembles the name of my site.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by MixedElixirs (see edit history)
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Just tried deleting the entire installation and database, then proceeded with a fresh installation. Still occurs. I am assuming this is to do with a hosting issue such as a .htaccess file or the likes as I would expect there to be more help already available if every person experienced the same with whenever they do a fresh installation. The server itself hosts a few sites, so I can only assume the /freechoice/ subdirectory is actually the top level of the site, but Prestashop is picking up on that. I am still unsure where this is getting this information from - either a config file or a database entry?


My experience with Prestashop is only very new, but worked with other systems previously so I will understand most instructions to try. If anyone can help out it will be really appreciated as I am a bit under the clock with getting this going and I will need to choose today if I move to a different system or support Prestashop for this site.

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I also just checked for the value freechoices in the database, it only displays this in 3 locations and only as part of the full url (www.freechoices.com) so it doesn't seem to be a database entry it is reading this subdirectory from.

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