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Create module and use the module template as HOME page


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Good morning everyone. I am starting with prestashop and I have a doubt.

I would like to create a module, whose functionalities would be to display the categories (right panel), if you click on a category would show the products of that category (central panel) and your pulse the product would be added to my cart-fixed (Panel on the left) . This would simulate a kind of ticket.

My idea is that if a user registered with a role "Role A" logs on, he would be shown the normal Home view of the Prestashop e-comerce page. But if you register a user with "Rol B" login. I would just show you the view of the module I created.

1. I would like to know if this logic is possible

2. If someone could guide me how to do it, since in the documentation and on the internet I find no references to this

At the moment I have already created my module, whose view shows some of what I described above. I only show all the products and all categories by making a query directly to the database of prestashop and then show it in the view (.tpl).

Another question I have, is how I can occupy the entire width of the screen. Since the elements created in my view are placed in the center and leave the margin of the right column (A) and the left column (B) of the home view (View attached photo)



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