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Admin panel not loaded bugged ?


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Hi, I installed 1.7.1 in my host. admin panel was not fully loaded, also statistics loading, menu not working as demo of prestashop. i tried to open different browsers in my pc all showing like this, tried 1.7.0 too has the same problem, anyone help me what is the problem actually. image attached

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Have you checked with the minium system recomendations? I had several problems for the last weeks to make a shop system work out of the box with my host.

For a long time it looked like Arastta was going to be the one, but i had problems at the refreshing of the product quantity caused by my host.

Now i am with Prestashop and so far it looks good. 



Do you have a link where we might be able to check it?

Have you checked the developer console to see that everything is loaded correctly?

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