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Attributes overload - help!

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This is a real big problem for me - I raised it on the bug tracker and the dev team said it wasn't a bug and closed the issue.
I am 90% through developing a site but am unable to finish it due to this non-bug.

Products with over 5000+ option combinations break the system - you get a blank page in the admin side. Those with 2000+ options take 5 minutes (I timed it!) to appear in the backend. If you view source on the product page front-end you can see that it loads each possible combination into an array in the page itself (see http://debenvalley.blue-spot.co.uk/product.php?id_product=77).

Can anyone think of a way that this can be improved whilst we wait for the team to officially resolve it?
I can do a bit of PHP coding but was after some suggestions as to how best tackle it. Is this a job for Amwdesign - for a fee of course?

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