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auto redirect on product/category name change

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Hi all, after a gap of a couple of years i'm trying prestashop again for a site. But i've noticed that one issue from a while back still hasnt been fixed or amended.

Lets say you have a product created..


and at a later date you decide for whatever reason, be it SEO or other, to alter the name of the product.


The problem here is that the product is now available on two URL's (actually, technically its available on ANY url, but we wont go into that). No redirect is automatically done. This is bad for indexing and is generally just bad housekeeping. Yes i know we have the canonical, but that wasnt designed for this purpose. And yes, i know we can do manual redirects, but that is assuming that we know what were doing , and most clients dont.

So, is there a mod , or future plans, to address automatic redirects for product and category changes?

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aha thanks for the link.. very helpful. Hopefully this issue will be addressed at some point into a future PS release too.
I didi submite this as a bug request over a year and a half ago, but maybe for some reason they PS team dont think its too important (which it is, very).

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