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1-click Upgrade: Module shows wrong autoupgrade path = upgrade not possible


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Hello Everyone


I'm trying to upgrade my PS 1.5.4 to 1.6 with the 1-click Autoupgrade Module.

If I configure this module all the necessary prerequisites are marked green and good to go except the entry which is about if the admin/autoupgrade folder being writable.

I actually (after first visiting the module page and seeing this) did chmod the admin/autoupgrade folder to 777 incl. all subdirs (with filezilla, not directly on the server itself, and I do also not know how windows servers translate such filezilla arguments exactly)...

But maybe the folder being writable is not really the problem here as the autoupgrade folder inside the modules configuration page looks kinda weird:


The "/admin/autoupgrade" directory is writable (appropriate CHMOD permissions):
disabled.gif Directory D:\www\wwwXYZ\shop45\d:\www\wwwXYZ\shop45\admin\autoupgrade does not exists or is not writable


Is it normal that the path is somehow just wrong (at least between the first shop45\ and d:\... should be a space as two directories are being concatenated and in my opinion the first part until to the second d:\... (=D:\www\wwwXYZ\shop45\) should be missing completely. Or should I really chmod all the directories in my shop?^^ surely not.


Anyone got experience with this?

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