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Guest Checkout Changing Prices

A-Z Hosting

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Customer would like to possibly use guest checkout. However, when I enabled it it started changing the $34.95 price of the product to $11.88.  This would occur on the Payment page whether it be 3rd party Payflow Pro or Check payment. It adds fine to the shopping cart, displays fine on OPC, but then changes when I get to the Payment page.


Sounds to me like something isn't meshing in the database. So I looked for anything that could be referring to the 11.88 in old orders, old carts, old vouchers, mixups with guest or customer ids. I have found nothing. This 11.88 is as it is now deemed.... The Ghost.


Anybody have any ideas of where to look next.  Customer would like to use Guest Checkout but not at a loss of $23.07 per product.






Wil Hatfield


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