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Where is the "Import Translations" in PS 1.7?


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  On 5/6/2017 at 11:37 PM, leonardodestefanis said:

Hi there,

I'm trying to import a language translation file for a theme, but I can't see the importer that I had on PS 1.6.x!




As you can see I only can add a language from the Prestashop website but It's not what I want to do.


Any help?

Check Link information official:







Removed import section

In the Translation page, the “Import” section is no longer available. You might be wondering why?

With the 1.7 version and the new translation system, you can’t simply import translation files to see your shop fully translated. The files need to be processed and adapted to PrestaShop, particularly the email files. So we simply removed the option to avoid false hopes and confusion.

You’re next question will probably be “why keeping the export section then?”. Well, the export section is still useful for theme builders who will want to export the custom translations they made for their themes.


Sorry for my English,

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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Hello. It is true that Prestashop translation system is awful. I always have to search for right way to translate and it's for every shop we made. Awful.

I just found some solution. Base translations are in app/Resources/translations/
Additionally translations are in theme folder i.e. /themes/THEMENAME/translations/


To tranfer translations from one shop to another:

  1. Go to Admin>International>Translations>Export a language>Choose language and Your original theme>Export - You get to download zip file
  2. Extract zip and find and replace all occurences of original theme dir to new theme dir (in old shop I got /themes/leo_bicmart/ theme, in new one I have /themes/leo_unicus so I replace all occurences of leo_bicmart with leo_unicus)
  3. Connect via ftp to new shop where You want to import translation. Put files from step 2 into dir /themes/THEMENAME/translations/LANGUAGE
  4. Clear cache

Works best if new theme is similar or the same.

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  • 1 year later...

You are right! Prestashop translations are awful, they got the chance to fix this issue, and they made it worse.

  1. I have a custom theme with empty "translations/it-IT" folder.
  2. I use the BO functionality to translate over 250 missing translations. BUT: 6 of them are not saved, no matter how many times i save them. ALSO: some strings appeared to be "translated" but they are not! In fact they are saved in english (i wonder when and why the fields were populated by english strings), so i had to re-check the whole lot of strings to change them.
  3. Result: front office is not translated! I open the file system, the theme language folder is still empty (why???), where does Prestashop stored them??? I then exported the langueges and uploaded them manually in that folder, cleaned smarty cache, forced templates rebuild. NOTHING! Front office not translated!
  4. I open in BO and try to save the 6 missing strings again. Nothing. I check the "english" ones, they are in italian so Prestashop saved them somewhere, but they are not showing in Front Office. I go back in file system, the date/time of all files are untouched, this means that Prestashop never overrided my last BO changes on those files.
  5. I have no other ideas.

Where and how this damn system is saving the theme translations? And why the files in the theme are not used? But more than anything else, why the FO is not working at all?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  On 9/3/2019 at 2:28 PM, zod said:

You are right! Prestashop translations are awful, they got the chance to fix this issue, and they made it worse.

  1. I have a custom theme with empty "translations/it-IT" folder.
  2. I use the BO functionality to translate over 250 missing translations. BUT: 6 of them are not saved, no matter how many times i save them. ALSO: some strings appeared to be "translated" but they are not! In fact they are saved in english (i wonder when and why the fields were populated by english strings), so i had to re-check the whole lot of strings to change them.
  3. Result: front office is not translated! I open the file system, the theme language folder is still empty (why???), where does Prestashop stored them??? I then exported the langueges and uploaded them manually in that folder, cleaned smarty cache, forced templates rebuild. NOTHING! Front office not translated!
  4. I open in BO and try to save the 6 missing strings again. Nothing. I check the "english" ones, they are in italian so Prestashop saved them somewhere, but they are not showing in Front Office. I go back in file system, the date/time of all files are untouched, this means that Prestashop never overrided my last BO changes on those files.
  5. I have no other ideas.

Where and how this damn system is saving the theme translations? And why the files in the theme are not used? But more than anything else, why the FO is not working at all?


This is a huge prestashop problem in all it's versions

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 7/3/2018 at 2:19 PM, sitte said:

Hello. It is true that Prestashop translation system is awful. I always have to search for right way to translate and it's for every shop we made. Awful.

I just found some solution. Base translations are in app/Resources/translations/
Additionally translations are in theme folder i.e. /themes/THEMENAME/translations/


To tranfer translations from one shop to another:

  1. Go to Admin>International>Translations>Export a language>Choose language and Your original theme>Export - You get to download zip file
  2. Extract zip and find and replace all occurences of original theme dir to new theme dir (in old shop I got /themes/leo_bicmart/ theme, in new one I have /themes/leo_unicus so I replace all occurences of leo_bicmart with leo_unicus)
  3. Connect via ftp to new shop where You want to import translation. Put files from step 2 into dir /themes/THEMENAME/translations/LANGUAGE
  4. Clear cache

Works best if new theme is similar or the same.



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After a deeper research I finally got it and I can solve 99% of the problems involving translations!
The situation is a bit complicated because Prestashop gets the strings from different sources: some strings are saved in database with domains (and some are from theme domain, others from module domain), then some others are from XLF files, and finally some modules are saved in the old system (like PS 1.6).
I explain the whole thing in this post:


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  • 1 year later...

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