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Accordion, Tabs and Buttons stoped working in CMS

Miguel Oliveira

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So, just from nowhere, acordions, tabs and buttons stoped working in CMS pages in my prestashop website. I just used the code that came in that preset cms pages that came with the theme, with all the personalized buttons, acordions, tabs, etc. It worked for 3 weeks. Today it just stoped working, i can't see the reason.

The page with the acordion not working: https://bomberplay.com/pt/content/3-faqs

I didnt change anything in the html code, it just stoped working. Css and JS i never edited, I just copied the sample html that came with the theme. Anyone can help? If you need more info, just tell.

Many thanks!



<div class="panel panel-success">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h4 class="panel-title"><a class="accordion-toggle" href="#collapsepanel6">Can I sell my works with Woocommerce?</a></h4>
<div id="collapsepanel6" class="panel-collapse in" style="height: auto;">
<div class="panel-body">
<div><br /> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus aliquet erat quis nibh vehicula, condimentum placerat lectus iaculis. Nam ultricies nisi vel ligula pulvinar, quis dapibus velit iaculis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In vitae nunc tincidunt, euismod nibh sit amet, convallis arcu. Vestibulum feugiat auctor auctor. Phasellus lacinia auctor metus, in posuere justo egestas eget. Vivamus ornare tincidunt sagittis. Nunc pretium magna eu est condimentum malesuada. Nunc arcu nulla, fringilla in sodales sed, laoreet eget mi. Fusce ac suscipit turpis, sed porttitor mauris.</div>
Edited by Miguel Oliveira (see edit history)
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