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Forgot password page - Undefined index: notifications


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With the Starter theme, the Customer "forgot password" page is giving an error:


ContextErrorException in smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157) : eval()'d code line 432:
Notice: Undefined index: notifications

But the error does not happen in the Classic theme, and I can't see the difference - maybe I'm missing something?

In "/controllers/front/PasswordController.php", the display() function does NOT pass any notifications to the template:
    public function display()
                'layout' => $this->getLayout(),
                'stylesheets' => $this->getStylesheets(),
                'javascript' => $this->getJavascript(),
                'js_custom_vars' => Media::getJsDef(),
                'errors' => $this->getErrors(),
                'successes' => $this->getSuccesses(),

        return true;

If I add the notifcations key myself (like in other display functions), then it fixes the error - but I don't want to edit core code, and why doesn't the error happen in the Classic theme?

'notifications' => $this->prepareNotifications()
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Solved it.


The Classic theme checks whether the variable is set in the template, so I had to copy that to the Starter theme:



{if isset($notifications)}
   {* template code *}
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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Here is the solution I adopted for this specific page (all other controllers use notifications).

In a custom module I hooked on "displayHeader" with the following code :

if (Context::getContext()->controller->php_self === "password") {
		'notifications' => array(
			'error' => Context::getContext()->controller->errors,
			'warning' => Context::getContext()->controller->warning,
			'success' => Context::getContext()->controller->success,
			'info' => Context::getContext()->controller->info,

A dirty hack but less dirty than the original code from Prestashop (we are used to it...)

Edited by Florian Lemaitre (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...
On 3/27/2018 at 3:56 PM, Florian Lemaitre said:

Here is the solution I adopted for this specific page (all other controllers use notifications).

In a custom module I hooked on "displayHeader" with the following code :

if (Context::getContext()->controller->php_self === "password") {
		'notifications' => array(
			'error' => Context::getContext()->controller->errors,
			'warning' => Context::getContext()->controller->warning,
			'success' => Context::getContext()->controller->success,
			'info' => Context::getContext()->controller->info,

A dirty hack but less dirty than the original code from Prestashop (we are used to it...)

Thank you so much i solved with your solution!




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On 5/4/2017 at 12:09 PM, benw said:

Solved it.


The Classic theme checks whether the variable is set in the template, so I had to copy that to the Starter theme:



{if isset($notifications)}
   {* template code *}

i tried with this ... but if the notifications is not setting and the template code will not print on my page .... the problem still exist. 

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