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Error/Warning when getting products schema.


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I am trying to get blank schema for products resource and I get this error:

[PHP Warning #2] Illegal string offset 'required' (.../classes/webservice/WebserviceOutputBuilder.php, line 711)

Does anyone please know how to fix it?

I am using prestashop


Thanks in advance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can you try to change following line (#709) in red in file /classes/webservice/WebserviceOutputBuilder.php



        $arr_details = '';
        $arr_details = array();
    public function getSynopsisDetails($field)
        $arr_details = '';
        if (array_key_exists('required', $field) && $field['required']) {
            $arr_details['required'] = 'true';
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  On 5/27/2017 at 1:28 PM, hanshuckebein said:

I get the same message. Any idea?

I did not find the solution only because I was getting this error on my test server.

Once I configured production server everything works perfectly ok.


Did you try solution by "shokinro"



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As mentioned earlier, when I installed PS on production server blank schema for products work without problems.

As a test, I copied files from production to local box (MAMP) and now it works without problems.


My local environment did not change so it would suggest that something was wrong with configuration of PS.

But I am not sure what.


MAMP - PHP 7.1.0

Production - PHP 7.0.19

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  • 5 years later...

Hi @shokinro I looked at that line of code in my version of Prestashop (, and I see that the arr_details variable is already set to an array, but I am still getting similar errors as the original poster.

public function getSynopsisDetails($field)


        $arr_details = [];

        if (array_key_exists('required', $field) && $field['required']) {

            $arr_details['required'] = 'true';


        if (array_key_exists('maxSize', $field) && $field['maxSize']) {

            $arr_details['maxSize'] = $field['maxSize'];


        if (array_key_exists('validateMethod', $field) && $field['validateMethod']) {

            $arr_details['format'] = $field['validateMethod'];


        if (array_key_exists('setter', $field) && !$field['setter']) {

            $arr_details['readOnly'] = 'true';



        return $arr_details;


The errors I get show that I have problems within this code in the same file:

foreach ($fields_assoc as $field_name => $field) {

            if (!is_array($this->fieldsToDisplay) || in_array($field_name, $this->fieldsToDisplay[$assoc_name])) {

                if ($field_name == 'id' && !isset($field['sqlId'])) {

                    $field['sqlId'] = 'id';

                    $field['value'] = $object_assoc['id'];

                } elseif (!isset($field['sqlId'])) {

                    $field['sqlId'] = $field_name;

                    $field['value'] = $object_assoc[$field_name];


                $field['entities_name'] = $assoc_name;

                $field['entity_name'] = $resource_name;


                if (null !== $this->schemaToDisplay) {

                    $field['synopsis_details'] = $this->getSynopsisDetails($field);


                $field['is_association'] = true;

                $output .= $this->setIndent($depth - 1) . $this->objectRender->renderField($field);



        $output .= $this->setIndent($depth - 1) . $this->objectRender->renderNodeFooter($resource_name, []);


        return $output;

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I believe I have fixed the issue with metadata not showing up when using the query parameter schema=synopsis in the API.

I used the following code at line 713 in prestashop/classes/webservice/WebServiceOutputBuilder.php (version, shown with changes to $field['value'] on two lines and a new conditional statement:

if (!is_array($this->fieldsToDisplay) || in_array($field_name, $this->fieldsToDisplay[$assoc_name])) {
                if ($field_name == 'id' && !isset($field['sqlId'])) {
                    $field['sqlId'] = 'id';
                    $field['value'] = (!empty($object_assoc)) ? $object_assoc['id'] : '';
                } elseif (!isset($field['sqlId'])) {
                    $field['sqlId'] = $field_name;
                    if (!property_exists((object)$object_assoc, $field_name)) {
                        $object_assoc[$field_name] = '';
                    $field['value'] = $object_assoc[$field_name];
                $field['entities_name'] = $assoc_name;
                $field['entity_name'] = $resource_name;

                if (null !== $this->schemaToDisplay) {
                    $field['synopsis_details'] = $this->getSynopsisDetails($field);
                $field['is_association'] = true;
                $output .= $this->setIndent($depth - 1) . $this->objectRender->renderField($field);


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