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Insert customers via webservice


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I have XML file with new customers data and would like to add this using web services to database.


My XML file with two customers looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		<newsletter_date_add>0000-00-00 00:00:00</newsletter_date_add>
		<last_passwd_gen>2017-04-29 05:34:22</last_passwd_gen>
		<date_add>2017-04-29 11:34:22</date_add>
		<date_upd>2017-04-29 11:34:22</date_upd>
		<reset_password_validity>0000-00-00 00:00:00</reset_password_validity>
		<newsletter_date_add>0000-00-00 00:00:00</newsletter_date_add>
		<last_passwd_gen>2017-04-29 05:34:22</last_passwd_gen>
		<date_add>2017-04-29 11:34:22</date_add>
		<date_upd>2017-04-29 11:34:22</date_upd>
		<reset_password_validity>0000-00-00 00:00:00</reset_password_validity>

Above XML file is accessible on my localhost via:



PHP file that is suppose to handle everything looks like:

	ini_set('display_errors', 1);
	$myXMLfile= 'http://localhost:8888/PHP_API/006_XML_Clients.xml';
	$xml = simplexml_load_file($myXMLfile);
	$customers = $xml->customer;

	define('DEBUG', true);
	define('PS_SHOP_PATH', 'http://localhost:8888/prestashop2/live_site_local/www/');

	foreach ($customers as $resources) {

		$xml = $resources;

		try	{

			$webService = new PrestaShopWebservice(PS_SHOP_PATH, PS_WS_AUTH_KEY, DEBUG);
			$opt['resource'] = 'customers';
			$opt['postXml'] = $xml->asXML();
			$xml = $webService->add($opt);
			echo "Successfully added.";
		}	catch (PrestaShopWebserviceException $ex)	{
			$trace = $ex->getTrace();
			if ($trace[0]['args'][0] == 404) echo 'Bad ID';
			else if ($trace[0]['args'][0] == 401) echo 'Bad auth key';
			else echo 'Other error<br />'.$ex->getMessage();

When I run this code I get error that:

<error><code><![CDATA[41]]></code><message><![CDATA[parameter "passwd" required]]></message></error>

Even if I try to enter pass it is not working.

I am not sure what is wrong, If someone has idea and can help, please. Maybe I have wrong approach.


Thanks, T

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I am not sure if anyone ever is going to need it. Because the fix was so simple, below I am posting correct code.

Basically I complicated it myself by adding foreach loops. By removing them code works perfect.

Also in my XML example, I use first and last name "test" this is not allowed. More realistic name is necessary.



	$myXMLfile= 'http://localhost:8888/PHP_API/006_XML_Clients.xml';
	$xml = simplexml_load_file($myXMLfile);

	define('DEBUG', true);
	define('PS_SHOP_PATH', 'http://localhost:8888/prestashop/');

		try	{

			$webService = new PrestaShopWebservice(PS_SHOP_PATH, PS_WS_AUTH_KEY, DEBUG);
			$opt['resource'] = 'customers';
			$opt['postXml'] = $xml->asXML();
			$xml = $webService->add($opt);
			echo "Successfully added.";
		}	catch (PrestaShopWebserviceException $ex)	{
			$trace = $ex->getTrace();
			if ($trace[0]['args'][0] == 404) echo 'Bad ID';
			else if ($trace[0]['args'][0] == 401) echo 'Bad auth key';
			else echo 'Other error<br />'.$ex->getMessage();
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