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PS 1.7 Speed optimization


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I'm noticing my site is getting slower lately (around 1 second more load time than before). I was wondering why that happens, and looking at my server's apache process details, I've seen that there are too many file being accessed that I don't understand why are being accessed. I'm not talking about accessed url's, I mean filesystem.


First files I saw:


app/Rosources/translations/default/*.xlf (language not used)


app/Rosources/translations/eu-ES/*.xlf (language not used)


But after that, I see that there are many other files and folders that are not needed for site daily usage, that are being accessed continuosly. I think that prestashop is somehow monitorizing this and other files looking for changes or whatever, and that can be slowing down my server. ¿Is that possible? 





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