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[QUESTION] Catalog rules not just for the customer's default group


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Hello, I'm using Prestashop and I'm trying to figure out which file I need to modify to let catalog rules apply to all groups that are inside the rule, not just the default group.


For example, if a Customer is in Group 1 and Group 2, but it's default group is Group 1, then a catalog rule for Group 2 won't work for that Customer.


As I explained on the first place, I need the catalog rule apply for all customer groups, not just the default group.



Edited by devzk (see edit history)
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Hi, i would be careful doing that. Example: Group 1 has 30% and Group 2 has 25%. Now in your logic the system would give a huge discount of 55%, i am not really sure you want that. That's why you have a default Group.

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Hi, i would be careful doing that. Example: Group 1 has 30% and Group 2 has 25%. Now in your logic the system would give a huge discount of 55%, i am not really sure you want that. That's why you have a default Group.


Hi, well yes I want that. I would not have any problem dealing with a huge discount I'll be careful. The thing is, a rule for Group 1 is applied to manufacturer 1 and Group 2 to manufacturer 2. So the discount only will apply if there are products of those manufacturers in customer's cart and just for those products.


Any idea where to start? I'm wondering should exist a function in some controller (or core class) controlling if there's a specific price for X case. Yesterday I was looking SpecificPriceRule.php in /class/ folder, but I wasn't able to find any related.


Must be anything like $customer->id_default_group, because I already dealed with this problem in 3 different modules.


Thanks anyways for your preocupation!  :P

Edited by devzk (see edit history)
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