Okay, by analyzing how the tcpdf Output() function works, I found the perfect solution. We need to understand that destination "F" will only store the file without being able to send it to the browser properly, while "FI" can store and send online content to the browser (pdf file will be displayed in the same tab basically) , and "FD" can store and trigger a download of the file (in a modern browser this will usually open a new tab with the file displayed inside). I chose download.
<?php class PDF extends PDFCore { public function render($display = true) { if(in_array($this->template, [PDF::TEMPLATE_INVOICE, PDF::TEMPLATE_ORDER_SLIP])) return parent::render('FD'); return parent::render($display); } }
<?php class PDFGenerator extends PDFGeneratorCore { public function render($filename, $display = true) { if (empty($filename)) { throw new PrestaShopException('Missing filename.'); } $this->lastPage(); if ($display === true) { $output = 'D'; } elseif ($display === false) { $output = 'S'; } elseif ($display == 'D') { $output = 'D'; } elseif ($display == 'S') { $output = 'S'; } elseif (in_array($display, ['F', 'FI', 'FD'])) { $output = $display; $filename = _PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/invoices/'.$filename; } else { $output = 'I'; } return $this->Output($filename, $output); } }
Everyone can modify this to suit their needs, but this is the more robust solution I've found. 😁