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v1.7.1.1 Default language cant be changed + fresh install introduction (SOLVED)


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i have installed and got directly an error 500 at front page. I could solve the problem as i set the debug mode in back office by an back door link over the source code (because demo mode mirror couldnt be closed) on and additionally give the folders and files of theme, classes and vendor 777 premissions. (This was not requiered in installation).



Now to my new problem. I selected german as language during installation. Nothing changed. (Normally after selection the installation process also change into german). So i still have english as default.


I have tried to change into french by doing it over International -> Localization


But the only thing that is changing is an additional language shown in front and back office that is english when i set it on.


If i go now to International -> Translations and try to modify german i get following error




InvalidArgumentException in Finder.php line 656:
The "/var/www/domain/app/Resources/translations/de-DE" directory does not exist.
in Finder.php line 656
at Finder->in(array('/var/www/domain/app/Resources/translations/de-DE')) in TranslationFinderTrait.php line 51
at AbstractProvider->getCatalogueFromPaths(array('/var/www/domain/app/Resources/translations/de-DE'), 'de-DE', '#^Admin*#') in AbstractProvider.php line 132
at AbstractProvider->getXliffCatalogue() in TreeBuilder.php line 49
at TreeBuilder->makeTranslationArray(object(BackOfficeProvider)) in TranslationsFactory.php line 82
at TranslationsFactory->createTranslationsArray('back', 'de-DE') in TranslationsController.php line 348
at TranslationsController->getTranslationsCatalogue(object(Request)) in TranslationsController.php line 78
at TranslationsController->listAction(object(Request))
at call_user_func_array(array(object(TranslationsController), 'listAction'), array(object(Request))) in bootstrap.php.cache line 3247
at HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), '1') in bootstrap.php.cache line 3206
at HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '1', false) in bootstrap.php.cache line 3360
at ContainerAwareHttpKernel->handle(object(Request), '1', false) in bootstrap.php.cache line 2562
at Kernel->handle(object(Request), '1', false) in index.php line 86
Yes the directory does not exist. I have found https://crowdin.com/project/prestashop-official/de# the translated german files, i think. And when i compare it with the only folder "default" in /app/Resources/translations/ there are the same .xlf files but not exactly and some are missing.
Prestashop only download and create .json files in /translations/cldr/datas/main into a folder names de-DE or fr-FR
I think normally there should be the same amount of files with the same name but diffrent content.
Any ideas? Maybe prestashop use default if de-DE or fr-FR is missing. So maybe the problem can be solved if i get those files. But from where and why wont prestashop download and install the languages correctly?
Edited by testar (see edit history)
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I have the same issue in fresh install install on 3 different servers and all have the same problem when changing language from default (english).


When I start a fresh install in other language I got 500 error on 56%.

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I figured yesterday out how it worked for me. 


Go to https://crowdin.com/project/prestashop-official and find your language. Install the package.


Now you see the folders Admin, Emails, Modules, Shop and their subfolders as well as 2 .xlf files.


Compare with /app/Resources/translations/default There should be 172 .xlf files.


Now i have renamed the .xlf files in for example Admin -> Advparameters -> Feature.de-DE.xlf

into AdminAdvparametersFeature.de-DE.xlf like the files in /app/Resources/translations/default (which is the english package)


Create folder de-DE or fr-FR or it-IT etc. and put those for me 170 .xlf files into the folder. (you already should have activated the language in back office)


All in all i think this is also a permission problem... And changing the name of 170 files is really not the fastest way but it worked for me.




For fresh 1.7 install, do it manually like in 1.6 and start the installation with domain.com/install

Now you should get at front page error 500 and back office is working (you can now set debug mode on to see which folders need permissions)

I also needed permissions for theme, classes and vendor and it worked perfect till the language problem which is now also solved with the soultion above.


Best regards and good luck guys

Edited by testar (see edit history)
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I have same issue before. I read all logs on my server, especially apache error logs, The error because of database was writing times out. After revise fcgid/cig responded time more than 400 seconds. and restart apache server. Fresh  installation was smoothly. Please try it.

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