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Compatibility with other cart rules doesn't make effect


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I have two cart rule 


1 - welcome voucher for new client (automatic by mypresta module) 20% discunt

1 - cart-rule I did for a specific product. 33 % discount


Compatibility with other cart rules is set to empty


So with client test the cart takes both voucher (20%+33%), even if them in the condition option have"Combine group rules" empty!

As you can imagine the issue is terrible!

I just do not feel to make a discount so high!  :unsure:  :blink:  :ph34r:  <_<

Anyone can help me please?

thanks a lot

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  • 2 months later...

Same problem here. (version Have 3 rules based on amount. They do not exclude each other while the combine box is empty. 
My solution is while I am using percentage discount to make the rules to work together.

Discount is 10% on amount > 100, 7.5% on amount > 75 and 5% on amount > 5%.

rule 1 >50 5%
rule 2 > 75 2.63

rule 3> 100 2.7%

Adds up to right discount but is visually in the cart a disaster.


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