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Visitors Online - Multiple 404.php entries showing for same IP Address

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I noticed when I logged into my back office tonight that there were quite a few "Visitors Online Now" on the home page. I was curious to see why there were so many so I checked out Stats --> Navigation --> Visitors Online and saw there were multiple entries from the same IP Address.
I thought this might be the site being crawled by a search engine bot? is this something I should be worried about?

I was also concerned with so many 404.php pages showing so I went to Stats --> Navigation --> Pages not found and saw to my horror that there were HUNDREDS of entries. The bulk of these were products that had no French translation (e.g. http://www.goldgalleon.com/lang-fr/www.goldgalleon.com/755-sandal-charm-in-gold-or-silver-with-inlay-choices.html-admin404), I only have my site in English. There were also many "/favicon.ico" entries and "sendtoafriend" entries (module that was not working and since uninstalled). So, I guess my question is...

1. Should I be worried with so many entries and is there a way to delete old "pages not found" entries so there are only current and valid 404 errors?

I also see a couple of entries that have me worried like "/thisdoesnotexistahaha.php" and "http://www.wantsfly.com/prx2.p
hp?hash=29C7FBD8F9DF8BCFD87781 550050AC76D92428649CEE" which research on the web seems to suggest are hack attempts? Should the fact that these are showing up as "Pages not Found" a good thing?

Thanks in advance for any advice, I'm out of my depth on this...




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