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remove copyright Prestashop 1.7. problem

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Hello everyone,


I am using Prestashop 1.7 and I have tried all you say on this topic but the emails from my website still show "Powered by Prestashop" at the end. I have edited the code within the theme following your suggestions. This is the route I have used:


main directory/httpdocs/themes/classic/mails/es (my site is in Spain)


I have cleared cache, I have disabled cache... I dont know what I am doing wrong. The translations in the module dont work either.


Any help? Thanks

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@ roonie83 - You should make the changes through your back-office on tab "Section Improve -> International -> translations -> e-mail translations". If it is not working, or you are having problems to access this tab, you should firstly debug your server configuration. Otherwise you will have problems to run your Prestashop.


For PS 1.7. please open own/new topics and don't add your questions to older topics. PS 1.7. have another structure....

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Hello selectshop.at,


Thanks so much for your reply and sorry for the incovenience of me publishing my question in the wrong place.


Sorry for this question but how do I debug my server configuration?


Thanks again.

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For to change your mail models for Prestashop 1.7. you should go to section "improve" -> international ->  translations. There you go to section "modify translations" and choose:


type of translation: email

type of email content: body

theme: classic (or the one you are using)

language: the language you want to change

click on button "modify"


On next page you click than on the blue link (for ex. core mails) and choose the one you want to change. Yo need to change HTML and TXT version as well.

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Hello again:


The problems I have with Prestashop are numerous. The version I am using is 1.7. As for translations, the problem is that the website shows messages in English when in the back office they are correctly written in Spanish. Another problem is with the translations of emails, I make changes in the back office or even editing the code and there is no change in the website.


The server configuration you have asked for is:


php versión 5.6.30

max execution time 18000

max input time (dont know)

memory limit 256M

mod security off (dont know)


Thanks if you can help.

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Well if you are not using Prestashop 1.7. with php 7 than I recommend the following server configuration, for to run without problems.


  • magic_quotes_gpc = off
  • memory_limit = 512M
  • max_execution_time = 300
  • max_input_time = 300
  • upload_max_filesize = 20M
  • post_max_size = 20M
  • max_input_vars = 10000
  • allow_url_fopen = on
  • safe_mode = off
  • cURL
  • mod_rewrite
  • mod_security = off
  • mySQL 5.5+
  • LINUX server
  • cageFS or other firewall disabled or at least configured to don't block Prestashop IP's (Prestashop uses several outside services and services from Prestashop too)
  • php  5.6.x  PLUS php-fpm and opcache with optimization. The better speed you will gain with:
opcache.validate_timestamps=0 (comment this out in your dev environment)
  • Better is to use php7 instead
  • JSON = ON
  • ctype = ON
  • mySQL = INNODB (myIsam don't work correctly)
  • date.timezone set
  • Open SSL 1.2+

If you are running a page with more than 2.000 products or with more than 300 combinations, than you should also use ngnix (the best over apache, for to don't need to rewrite .htaccess). ngnix speeds your page and handle multi-tasks.



AT LEAST: I don't suggest to any of my customers the actual use of PS 1.7. in production. Stay with PS 1.6. latest version.

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