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Can't upgrade modules after upgrading to 1.7.1


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I upgraded the core from to by 1-Click Upgrade (with many problems...)

Now I can't to upgrade modules.


1. Press UPGRADE button.

2. Got the message: "Notice! Операция Upgrade на модуле <бла-бла-бла> прошла успешно." (succesful upgrading)



The "Upgrade" button was not change to "Configure".

I tried to press the "UPGRADE ALL" button too. The same...


29 modules are not upgradable...  o_O

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)) I tried it so many times! And always got the succeful message "Notice! succefull." (green rectangle at upper-right corner).


The same message without real upgrage I have got when I tried to upgrade "1-Click" module. Resolved it by manual instalation.


What's wrong with other native modules?

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When I upgrade I get 2 errors about upgrading the modules. 1 for ps_linklists and 1 for ps_emailalerts. When I go to look at the modules page after upgrade to I see that 34 modules need upgrading. When I upgrade all, only 1 actually upgrades, but all say they've suceeded. It settles at 33 modules needing upgrade and no matter how many times I run the upgrade, they still say they need an upgrade. I also checked in the modules folder and it appears the modules were actually upgraded, so Im not sure why the modules page is not reflecting the new version numbers.

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I think this is an issue going back to as well. I had a few modules that had not been upgraded that I was not using (like checkpayment). I cannot upgrade these either. I have a related thread regarding the errors I was receiving. 


I think it has to do with the call being a GET and not a POST. POSTS are allowed to that URL, but apparently GETs are not and it generates an error. see https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/606776-1705-upgrade-module-http-error-500/ for more information.


still unresolved, and preventing me from upgrading. 

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The workaround for me is 

Enable --> Upgrade --> Disable.


Worked well enough. I do get the same notification about the desktop computer access to the page. Not sure where that came from, but I think its new since I've upgraded to

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  • 4 years later...

I waited a bit of time wating v1.7 will be more mature but it seems it's not as stable as it should be.

I fixed my problem doing this:

- Removing old plugins which don't works on 1.7 (i will edit this post at home, writing the exact names).

- I placed one email address on the bottom of the Log setup page where the system sends logs when a critical error it's detected.

- Checking all the requisites PS has for PHP on the php.ini (i will edit this post at home, writing the exact changes I did).

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