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Edit MailAlert module to send mails to Manufacturers


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Hello to all, I know there are plenty of threads discussing about this but they are all old and on meny of them are empty...so I decided to start a new one.


Right now I'm editing mailalerts.php to send the mail also to the manufacturer of the product. 

I found the function that is sending e-mails (for exemple public function hookActionValidateOrder($params) ).

Right now  I can send a mail to a certain manufacture e-mail if I staticaly define my variable, like this:

$manufacturer_mail="[email protected]";
    sprintf(Mail::l('New order : #%d - %s', $mail_id_lang), $order->id, $order->reference),

My problem is that I don't know how to take the product_id and use it to firstly take the manufacturer_id associated with that product and finaly the manufacturer_mail (I insert the mail in the "name" field in db instead of creating a custom field).


I was thinking to using something like this to take the manufacturer mail, but I need the $id_product...

$id_manufacturer= Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT `id_manufacturer` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)$id_product);
$manufacturer_mail=Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT `name` FROM `nnw5_manufacturer` WHERE `id_manufacturer` = '.(int)$id_manufacturer);

Do you have any idea on how to do it?



Original files attached.


Edit: See solution here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/548021-send-email-to-the-products-manufacturer-or-supplier-only-not-all-merchants/?p=2524217



Edited by Agilulfo (see edit history)
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