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Executing display hook after an action hook

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Hello, is there a way to execute a custom hook after an action hook happens? I tried Hook::Exec('myhook') but didnt seem to work.

I'm currently building a  module that would allow me to track what users do in a prestashop website, for now i need to execute a script which will send datas to my server after a user is registered to the site or when a user add an item to his cart. both these are action hooks and i have no idea how to activate my script on these actions

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Hello, is there a way to execute a custom hook after an action hook happens? I tried Hook::Exec('myhook') but didnt seem to work.

I'm currently building a  module that would allow me to track what users do in a prestashop website, for now i need to execute a script which will send datas to my server after a user is registered to the site or when a user add an item to his cart. both these are action hooks and i have no idea how to activate my script on these actions



First you need register hook with your module install method. like as


public function install()
        return parent::install() && $this->registerHook('header') && $this->registerHook('backOfficeHeader') && $this->registerHook('actionAuthentication') && $this->registerHook('actionCartSave');

Then After you both hook in module file.like as


public function hookActionAuthentication()
        /* Place your code here. */

public function hookActionCartSave()
        /* Place your code here. */


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Hello, thanks for your reply.

I already hooked those two hook but d they are action hooks and i need display hooks that does the same thing, and to my understunding they dont exist, so i created custom hooks and tried to execute them inside  the CartSave and Authentication but it did not work, is there a way to do what i'm trying to do? 

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You have to create the Hook as Nishith said.

Then you can use your action whenever you want is your files.


Example in Cart.php.


It execute the function inside the hook actionCartSave after you add or midify the cart.


In the Hook.php you can find this function with these parameters:

     * Execute modules for specified hook
     * @param string $hook_name Hook Name
     * @param array $hook_args Parameters for the functions
     * @param int $id_module Execute hook for this module only
     * @param bool $array_return If specified, module output will be set by name in an array
     * @param bool $check_exceptions Check permission exceptions
     * @param bool $use_push Force change to be refreshed on Dashboard widgets
     * @param int $id_shop If specified, hook will be execute the shop with this ID
     * @param bool $chain If specified, hook will chain the return of hook module
     * @throws PrestaShopException
     * @return string/array modules output
    public static function exec(
        $hook_args = array(),
        $id_module = null,
        $array_return = false,
        $check_exceptions = true,
        $use_push = false,
        $id_shop = null,
        $chain = false

Thanks to that you can execute your hook when you want.


For example in your module myModule.php I have a hook actionSendResForm.

public function hookActionSendResForm($params)
         Db::getInstance()->insert('reservation', array(
                'id_customer'       => $params['id_customer'],
                'id_product'        => $params['id_product'],
                'contact_number'    => $params['contact_number'],
                'date_expire'       => $params['date_expire'],
                'product_color'     => $params['product_color'],
                'product_size'      => $params['product_size']


This Hook is called in my ajax.php but it could be on any of your action (after a click on a button for example).

$date_expire = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y-m-d').' +'. Configuration::get('GP_RES_DAYS') . ' days'));
Hook::exec('actionSendResForm', array(
       'id_customer'       => (int)Context::getContext()->customer->id,
       'id_product'        => (int)Tools::getValue('id_product'),
       'contact_number'    => pSQL(Tools::getValue('contact_number')),
       'date_expire'       => pSQL($date_expire),
       'product_color'     => (int)Tools::getValue('color'),
       'product_size'      => (int)Tools::getValue('size')


Hope this can help you, 



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