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Site suddenly stopped sending emails


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I have a problem with 'Customer order confirmation emails' AND 'BO Order notifictation emails' suddenly not being received.


I have tried sending a test email from the 'Send an Email test' on the Advanced Parameters > Email page but I get the following error:


Error: Please check your configuration
Expected response code(s) [250] but got response [235 2.0.0 OK]


I am using the 'Set my own SMTP parameters (for advanced users ONLY)' which I have been using for the past year without an problems. The only thing I have noticed is that the 'SMTP password field' is blank. When I input the password and click on Save, it remains blank.


I have tried switching to 'Use PHP's mail() function (recommended; works in most cases)' and then I get the following successful message when clicking on 'Send an email test' but no emails are actually received.


A test email has been sent to the email address you provided.


Please can anyone help?


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Thank you so much for your quick reply.


Yes, I am able to send and receive using Outlook with no problems.


I don't know about serverside updates, I will ask the hosting company. I have told them about the issues with no emails sending and they have not mentioned taht they have applied any updates.

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If you are able to send and receive mails with Outlook, so your server is working. It should be something with the configuration of your mails on the Shop. Check each field for the corectness of data. What you also can do is to ask your provider to check if there are some error logs in respect of sending mails from Prestashop on the server.

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Do you know if the password field should appear empty after I input the smtp password and click on 'Save' on the Advanced Parameters > Email page. Or should there be asterisks hiding the saved password?


The field is empty at my end and I am wandering if that is the problem?



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After 2 days my hosting company changed the smtp settings in my Prestashop account to something completely different to what I had been using for the past 12 months and suddenly it started working. Not sure why it stopped working and niether are the hosting company.


Thanks for your help.

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  • 1 year later...

I am no longer receiving order confirmation  emails. I did a test email from the 'Send an Email test' on the Advanced Parameters > Email page and got the following error: Check you configuration: Some PrestaShop files are missing from your server.

Also :

Changed/missing files have been detected.

Updated files (3)

  • admin3116/autoupgrade/index.php
  • admin3116/autoupgrade/backup/index.php
  • controllers/admin/AdminImagesController.php

Thank you for any help you can provide.



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