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I have a bit of a Prestashop fossil - Can anyone suggest the upgrade procedure to latest version?

Alternatively, is it worth recreating from scratch and importing user/ sales data? If so is there an Addon for this?


If it helps, I am very comfortable with database import/ export and mySQL queries.


Much appreciated.

Edited by web-design-milano (see edit history)
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Research what theme and modules you use, and confirm that there are updates that will support PS v1.6 (I would not upgrade to PS v1.7 yet)

Your existing theme will not work, so you likely will need a new one.  Modules that do not support PS v1.6, you will need to locate new ones or perhaps hire a developer to upgrade them for you


Take a complete backup of the database and your website content, and then use them to create a test copy of your store.


Make sure the test store is working properly, and then download and install the autoupgrade module, and upgrade the store to PS v1.6.1.12.


Document all of the steps you take, and changes you make, especially during and after the upgrade, and test test test...


Fix issues, update modules/theme, make configuration changes, and once you are confident that the upgrade was a success, you are then ready to upgrade your live store following the documented steps


If you are looking for paid upgrade services, feel free to reach out

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create a working dev copy of your shop where you can perform autoupgrades.

then create a back up  of the dev copy in-case you need to run upgrade process more than one.


I have found upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5 follow by upgrade to 1.6 a bit smoother.


once you have your dev copy upgraded you can install those 3rd party modules you need, here you can either stay with demo theme or find a high quality theme to install configure.


the key to success is upgrade a dev copy of your shop...when dev copy is working you can then back up your prod shop and copy dev into it



Edited by El Patron (see edit history)
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