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CMS Category/Pages Not Showing in Shop

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Hello. I've created a new CMS category on an existing CMS Categories page that isn't showing live in my shop. 


First, the CMS category is called "Song Lyrics." It contains all the lyrics for songs my spouse has written. Each album is listed as a "CMS Category" with "CMS Pages" for each individual song. I've attached systematic screen pages to show the progression. 


Today I created the CMS category "Soldier On." Within it I created CMS pages for each song on that album (12 total). I made sure the new album matched the other album titles exactly with regards to descriptions, and radio buttons selected, etc. For some reason it's not showing up on the front end in my shop. I have a screen shot of my front end, or it can be linked to here: http://abigailmiller.com/content/10-song-lyrics (Note: I checked two different browsers: Safari and Chrome. Neither showed "Soldier On" in the list.)


Any suggestions to get "Soldier On" to show up?


On a side note, on the linked page (http://abigailmiller.com/content/10-song-lyrics) it will be noticed that the album "Deeper Still" is displayed in a smaller font. I've never been able to fix that and don't know why it's different than the others. There is no option on the CMS Category Add page to adjust the font size. 


Thanks for any help, folks. 





Edited by ampm12 (see edit history)
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