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Developing modules and presta team ignore them


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Hey everybody!

Did anyone encountered this problem? I created a module for prestashop. The module was for transportation in general.
This means that everyone could create as many carries as desired and can establish different prices for each based on a fixed price, price per kilo, Percent price from total value of the products and another tax. The price also may include VAT or not and is computed based on each cart. So the transportation price is different based on carriers and carts.

These carriers are set on zones and groups.

I've posted this module on prestastore 3 months ago and from there nothing. I've sent to presta support about 15 mails and nothing. And one day I saw that the module was deleted from my account...So it vanished.

Can a presta member tell me in how many days presta team is validating a module?
Or somebody had a similar experience with presta modules?

Best regards,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi cristina,

The validation of the communautary contributions on PrestaStore may actually take a long time, and we are very sorry for this.
The problem is that the PrestaStore's team is really overloaded. As this team was recently extended, I hope this will significantly reduce the validation delays.

Concerning your module, I asked the PrestaStore's manager, and he told me that he never delete any contribution. If a contribution does not suit, we decline it and the contributor is noticed with the reasons.
As the other PrestaStore team's members cannot delete contributions, I cannot explain how this could disappear. This may be a bug.

All I can do is to invite you to post your contribution again.
Sorry for the inconvenience.


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