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SOLVED: Some Subcategories Missing from Product Category Tree in Back Office


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My site is using Prestashop 1.6.  Recently I accidentally went over my disk quota at my host with my vps and all my sites stopped working correctly.  After solving that, it took a while for the databases to come back to normal.  On one of my sites it still isn't quite normal in the back office, even though everything looks good on the front end.


When I click on Categories in the back office, every category and subcategory shows up.  However, when I work on Products and click the category tree to see certain products, some of the subcategories are missing.  It seems like I need to regenerate the category tree somehow.


Example.  In the first image in Products, only one subcategory is showing under New World.  In the second image taken under Categories, there are 3 subcategories.


Can anyone tell me how to do this?  Thanks.post-303025-0-27829900-1490811070_thumb.jpgpost-303025-0-73272000-1490811070_thumb.jpg


I resolved it by going into Back Office/Categories and finding the missing Subcategories and disabling each of them.  Then I re-enabled them and they started showing up again under the Products category tree.

Edited by rturner (see edit history)
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  • 8 months later...

I have a similar problem, I have added all the cat and sub categories manually, they functionary a while, and now I can see only the main categories. Even I can't see the "view" button anymore in BO. When I make a new sub categorie, that will work. I was started from a new installation PS version 7..2.4. I have no modules or Add-ons installed, a few products are imported via CVS.

When I go to the product page, I can't select the sub categories.

I run in debug modus, but no errors where produced.

Some advice are welcome!

Best Regards,



Sub category1.png

Sub category.png

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  • 2 years later...

Faced the same issue:

I accidentally broke the whole hierarchy of the categories after a manual category import. I fixed the hierarchy directly on the database and after that i re-arranged some subcategories in the BO.

Then on the Edit Product dialog all the categories, whose sub-categories I had rearranged, had an empty tree.

This has been resolved as rturner suggested, by disabling and reanabling all the not displayed subcategories.

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