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No actualiza estado pedidos Prestashop 1.7 se queda en Blanco

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Buenas tardes,


Tengo prestashop 1.7 y cuando intento actualizar los pedidos se queda en blanco y no actualiza ni nada. he activado el modo depuracion para ver cual es el error, y ver si sabeis como ayudarme?




  1. in appDevDebugProjectContainer.php line 3794
  2. at appDevDebugProjectContainer->getRequestService() in bootstrap.php.cache line 2222
  3. at Container->get('request') in HookEvent.php line 67
  4. at HookEvent->getHookParameters() in LegacyHookSubscriber.php line 290
  5. at LegacyHookSubscriber->__call('call_5_71', array(object(RenderingHookEvent), 'actionUpdateQuantity', null))
  6. at LegacyHookSubscriber->call_5_71(object(RenderingHookEvent), 'actionUpdateQuantity', null)
  7. at call_user_func(array(object(LegacyHookSubscriber), 'call_5_71'), object(RenderingHookEvent), 'actionUpdateQuantity', null) in HookDispatcher.php line 87
  8. at HookDispatcher->doDispatch(array(array(object(LegacyHookSubscriber), 'call_5_71')), 'actionUpdateQuantity', object(RenderingHookEvent)) in classes.php line 1773
  9. at EventDispatcher->dispatch('actionUpdateQuantity', object(RenderingHookEvent)) in HookDispatcher.php line 57
  10. at HookDispatcher->dispatch('actionUpdateQuantity', object(RenderingHookEvent)) in HookDispatcher.php line 136
  11. at HookDispatcher->renderForParameters('actionUpdateQuantity', array('id_product' => '137', 'id_product_attribute' => '0', 'quantity' => '100')) in HookManager.php line 63
  12. at HookManager->exec('actionUpdateQuantity', array('id_product' => '137', 'id_product_attribute' => '0', 'quantity' => '100')) in StockManager.php line 153
  13. at StockManager->updateQuantity(object(Product), '0', '1', null) in StockAvailable.php line 472
  14. at StockAvailableCore::updateQuantity('137', '0', '1', '1') in OrderHistory.php line 232
  15. at OrderHistoryCore->changeIdOrderState('6', object(Order), true) in AdminOrdersController.php line 578
  16. at AdminOrdersControllerCore->postProcess() in Controller.php line 190
  17. at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 366
  18. at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 95
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