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CSV Excel Import

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I've set up my site and able to work everything ok - however, after successfully importing a csv file with 4 separate values, the data isn't showing in my product list.

I have a csv with approx 12000 items and need to import them as products.

Also, please don't tell me I have to upload 12000 images as well !?!?

Please help..............

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I understand 1.1 is now overdue so should be soon?

I'm trialing .csv upload so no real rush, but will 1.1 resolve the issue. I've come away from oscommerce as I think this is a far more user friendly and adaptable platform, but will still need to post 12000 items!!

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is there a known intended / estimated release date of 1.1?

i'm in the process of setting up a shopping cart and import will be necessary and I don't want to cause myself compatibility problems later.

the issue of the images. the way i have done it with cubecart before was make a field of image name, put all the images in a folder and give them unique names.

id really like a sample csv and some reassurance that it will work with the next version... and a way of handling the images.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't address the new version questions, but I can try to help with the import. I've spent the last few days importing items and updating data to work. My CSV files are delimited with ; so if the description or other text fields have a ; in it, it will get confused, so I replaced them all with commas. There is also a list of words that it will reject such as "Union" or "trigger". if any of these words are found (as single words or part of other words) they will be rejected.

This post has a list:


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