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Adding cart_id in order-slip.summary-top.tpl


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Hello community.


I have a problem in adding the cart_id to the order slip in our shop.

I did this earlier in the order invoice and it worked like a charm. But I cannot find the cart:id in the database table for the order slip, so the mod that I have made on the order invoice pdf is not possible on the order slip.

We use the order slip for credit notes at order returns.


Does someone know if it is possible to pick up the cart_id from the order table and add it to the order slip summary-tab?


Right now my code looks like this in /prestashop/themes/my_template/pdf/order-slip.summary-tab.tpl

<table id="summary-tab" width="100%">
		<th class="header small" valign="middle">{l s='Order Reference' pdf='true'}</th>
		<th class="header small" valign="middle">{l s='Betalings ID' pdf='true'}</th>
		<th class="header small" valign="middle">{l s='Order Date' pdf='true'}</th>
		{if $addresses.invoice->vat_number}
			<th class="header small" valign="middle">{l s='VAT Number' pdf='true'}</th>
		<td class="center small white">{$order->getUniqReference()}</td>
		<td class="center small white">{$cart_id}</td>
		<td class="center small white">{dateFormat date=$order->date_add full=0}</td>
		{if $addresses.invoice->vat_number}
			<td class="center small white">

As you can see I have added the $cart_id but it picks up nothing probably because the cart_id is missing from the order_slip table in the db.


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