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Image upload problem - customisation


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Hi there


i have added an upload section to my prestashop, once I upload an image it becomes really small the thumbnail


Is there anyway i can make this bigger so the customer can see the image they have uploaded


happy to tip you if you can help me on this, please see the attached images. 


The 1st image is my website, as you can see the uploaded image is really small, the 2nd image is another website with the upload feature, here you can see a large image preview. 


Can you let me know how to change the size of this?


Edited by razaro (see edit history)
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Try this: In your theme open product.tpl file and edit this part of code.

<div class="customizationUploadBrowse">
	<img src="{$pic_dir}{$pictures.$key}_small" alt="" />

By deleting _small part, it will display origianl uploaded image. And if needed add some css styles.

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