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Clone my PrestaShop problem


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Hello everyone.


I have been trying to clone my PrestaShop to another domain so I can use the clone to try upgrades and tweaks before applying them to my proper shop.


These are the steps I have followed so far:

  1. Downloaded the contents of the public_html folder and saved to my computer.
  2. Downloaded (exported) the database.
  3. Created a new database on the new domain and imported the old database into this.
  4. Edited the "settings.inc.php" in the config folder to add my new database username & password.
  5. Uploaded the contents of my public_html folder to the new website.

The problem I am getting is when I load up the new website it just forwards to the old one and reads everything from this.


Anyone help me out?



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Please re-read my previous post until you understand it. I explained it clearly in #2


Ok I will try to find it today. I'm a bit of a novice with all this so any help is greatly appreciated.

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if you can access the newly copied back office,  you  can go to prefrences-->seo & url's-->scroll down and there you can enter the new domain names.  Note: the domain names only affect the front office so access to back  office should not be problem, if it is there are other issues.

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