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How to.. SQL Query... ?


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Hello everyone,


I need to make a query in phpMyAdmin that allows me to do the following:

IF cell "active" = 0 in the "ps_product" table, then, "quantity" = 0 in "ps_stock_avaliable" table

How can I express this in SQL applied to all product IDs, from the store?


Thank you!!

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So you're wanting to take all products that are not active and set the quantity to 0?


Yeah, exactly. If it were the same table I would not have problem in doing the query, but as they are different tables I do not know how to do it ...


IF TABLE "ps_product" column active is "0", then:

Column ID.. find this value in table "ps_stock avaliable" and modify column quantity to "0"


Something like VLOOKUP en Excel.


Thanks dude.


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